Meditation: Mark 16:9-15

Saturday within the Octave of Easter

They did not believe. (Mark 16:11)

The events of the preceding days had been traumatic. The disciples had watched helplessly as their beloved master was arrested, mocked, and tortured. Then, overcome by fear, they all ran away, abandoning him at his darkest moment. And they remained in hiding, leaving some women to undertake the dangerous role of anointing his body.

When Mary Magdalene came to them claiming to have seen Jesus, they all wondered, “How could this be true?” It was easier to believe that Mary’s account was just wishful thinking born of her sorrow and grief.

Although it is the Easter season, we too may find ourselves struggling to believe that Jesus is truly risen and lives in us. We may want to believe, of course, but sometimes the hard realities of life wear down our faith. Then doubt finds its way into our hearts and minds, and we begin to wonder if God cares about us at all.

If this describes you, take some time today just to look around. There are so many signs that Christ is truly risen. There’s the work of St. Teresa of Calcutta’s Missionaries of Charity, who bring so much love into the world by their care for the poorest of the poor. There’s your pastor or the volunteers in your parish who work tirelessly to serve everyone else. Maybe you know someone who, in spite of terrible suffering, still reflects the peace and comfort of the Lord. Countless stories from the saints and from everyday people prove to us that Jesus really is risen and that he really does live among us.

Then, of course, there’s you. Even if your prayer feels dry right now, think about the times when you have experienced God reaching out to you. When have you felt his presence in a special way? Take some time today to recall some of the amazing ways God has cared for you.

We are an Easter people. So whenever you begin to doubt, you can cry out to Jesus, “Help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Just as he showed himself to the disciples that first Easter, the risen Christ stands ready to show himself to you!

“Jesus, help me to see past my unbelief to the power of your resurrection.”

Acts 4:13-21
Psalm 118:1, 14-21

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