Meditation: Psalm 1:1-4, 6

2nd Week of Lent

He is like a tree planted near running water. (Psalm 1:3)

This psalm can seem abstract and overly spiritual to us at first glance. How exactly can a man be like a tree? And how are we supposed to be “planted near running water”? Bible scholars would say the psalmist uses this image because, like trees, we need a “water source” in order to thrive and bear fruit. And this source is the Holy Spirit, who is often compared to living water.

The image still might seem abstract, so let’s engage our imagination.

Picture this: you are taking a walk on a scorching hot, sunny day. You’re tired, and all you want is a glass of water to help cool yourself off. You see a river in the distance and walk toward it, thinking about how refreshing its water must be.

As you approach the river, you notice a mist rising from the water as it splashes over the stones on the riverbed. The banks of the river are damp as well, and so are your feet. Some water splashes over the bank onto you, and it’s taking the edge off the heat and your fatigue. You’re beginning to feel revived. The heat doesn’t feel as oppressive as before, and you are feeling more relaxed and peaceful.

Still, you’d like a drink. You bend down to scoop some water into your hands. Yes—it’s even better than you had imagined. Grinning, you reach into the flowing water to splash on your arms and legs. Its coolness seems to be refreshing you from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.

Eventually, you lie down on the river’s bank and fall asleep. The sound of the rushing water is all around you, and you know that if you want more, it’s right there.

This is a wonderful image of what it’s like to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. We can spend so much of our time worrying about how successful we are being in the spiritual life that we forget that the Spirit lives in us and wants to refresh us. His love is always flowing, always cleansing the soul of anyone who asks. So if only for today, take some time just to rest with God. Don’t be afraid to dip your toes into the stream of his love and let him quench your thirst.

“Come, Holy Spirit, and refresh my heart!”

Jeremiah 17:5-10
Luke 16:19-31

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