Meditation: Mark 6:7-13

Catholic Meditations

4th Week in Ordinary Time

He instructed them to take nothing for the journey. (Mark 6:8)

Excited but vulnerable. That’s how the apostles must have felt. Jesus was sending them out to preach and to heal with his authority! But he was also sending them without food, money, or an extra tunic. They must have wondered, How are we supposed to do this? Why is Jesus making this so hard for us?

Jesus wasn’t out to make it difficult for them. He had confidence—both in his heavenly Father and in his apostles. He knew that they were ready to experience the ways God would provide for them with all the wisdom, power, and practical support they needed. He knew that this experience would build their confidence in themselves and deepen their faith in God. And that’s just what happened.

Most of us can relate to the vulnerability the apostles felt. There are times when we feel ill equipped to share the gospel with people. We feel that we need more patience, more energy, better health, or more discipline. But like the apostles, we can trust God to provide what we need to do the job at hand. He’s just waiting for us to take that first step!

What is Jesus sending you out to do today? Start with the people closest to you. Care for your family, and in doing so, show them the love of God. Bring peace into your workplace by upholding the dignity of your coworkers, especially when conversations fall into gossip. But don’t stop with the “normal” life that’s comfortable to you. Let the Holy Spirit call you a bit further today, to a place where you will need to rely on God’s provision. Maybe that means joining some friends in prayer in front of an abortion clinic or offering a meal and some companionship to a neighbor struggling with financial problems. Maybe it means finally telling a friend about how God helped you through a difficult situation. Whatever it is, go ahead and take that step.

Every step you take will make you more confident. It will make you bolder the next time an opportunity to share the gospel presents itself.

Take a step today, and see how God shows up to help!

“Jesus, help me step out with trust and confidence in you!”

Hebrews 12:18-19, 21-24
Psalm 48:2-4, 9-11

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