Meditation: Mark 1:21-28

Catholic Meditations

1st Week in Ordinary Time

He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him. (Mark 1:27)

People living in First World countries have all but completely dismissed the idea that evil spirits are real. But as numerous saints have emphasized over and over again, that’s a big mistake. Demons are real, and they are constantly trying to tempt us to commit sins.

Before we go any further, however, we need to make one important distinction. While very few people are actually possessed by evil spirits, most of us have been harassed by them. One story from the Bible can help us out here. It’s the story of Peter telling Jesus, You don’t really have to die, do you? In response, Jesus told Peter, “Get behind me, Satan” (Mark 8:33).

Here Jesus was not saying that Peter was possessed by Satan. He was saying that the devil was using Peter to tempt Jesus. Here’s the difference. It was Peter’s mind that came up with the idea. It was his good intentions that moved him to speak. And it was Peter’s voice that did the speaking. But it was the influence of Satan that moved Peter to say what he said.

What Satan did to Peter, he still does to us today. So how can we guard against his tactics? First, we should try our best to agree with Jesus. Of course, we can always ask him to help us understand or follow his commands, but we should continually try to keep an attitude of trust and humility. When we think we know better than Jesus, as Peter did, we open ourselves up to the devil’s harassment.

Second, we need to put on the “armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11). When you wake up each morning, ask the Lord to protect your whole family. Pray, “In the name of Jesus, I command you, Satan, to go to the cross where Jesus defeated you.”

Third, soak yourself in the word of God and the Eucharist. Read the Scriptures and meditate on them for at least five minutes each day. Go to Mass, and receive Jesus in Holy Communion as often as you can.

Finally, always remember that Jesus, who lives in you, is stronger than the devil (1 John 4:4).

“Jesus, teach me how to stand firm and resist all the temptations of the evil one.”

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