Monthly Archives: April 2019
Meditation: John 13:1-15
Holy Thursday: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper I have given you a model to follow. (John 13:15) Look at the contrast. The apostles were arguing with each other at the Last Supper, while Jesus was on his knees washing … Continue reading
Meditation: John 13:21-33, 36-38
Tuesday of Holy Week One of you will betray me. (John 13:21) If you’ve ever been betrayed, you know how painful it is. You placed your love and trust in someone very close to you. Now that person has irreparably … Continue reading
Why Are You Weeping? Resurrection faith can turn us into joy-filled, fruitful ambassadors of Christ.
If Good Friday was the worst day in the disciples’ lives, imagine what the next couple of days must have felt like. With the trauma of Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion still raw in their minds, they also had to begin … Continue reading
Meditation: John 12:1-11
Monday of Holy Week They gave a dinner for him. (John 12:2) Imagine hosting a dinner party to say “Thank you” to a fireman who helped save your life. You welcome him into your home and ask what you can … Continue reading
Meditation: Luke 22:14–23:56
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord When the hour came . . . (Luke 22:14) One of the best ways to read the story of Jesus’ passion is to put ourselves in his shoes. First, Jesus watched one … Continue reading